Anti-Money Laundering

At plently, we are dedicated to combating money laundering and adhering to Anti-Money laundering (AML) regulations. Our stringent AML measures ensure a secure and ethical environment for all users.

Customer Due Diligence

We conduct thorough customer due diligence to verify the identity of all users, ensuring that our platform is not misused for illicit purposes.

Enhanced Due Diligence

For higher-risk transactions or customers, we perform ehanced due diligence, enabling us to gather additional information for better risk assessment.

AML Monitoring and Reporting

Our system continuously monitors transactions for suspicious activities. If any potential illicit activities are detected, we promptly report them to the relevant authorities.

Risk assessment

We conduct periodic risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential money laundering risks associated with our services.

Record Keeping

We maintain comprehensive records of customer transactions and due diligence procedures, as required by AML regulations.

Sanctions screening

Our platform incorporates sanctions screening measures to ensure we do not engage with individuals or entities subject to sanctions.

Suspicious Activity Reporting

If any suspicious activity is identified, we promptly the Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) with the appropriate authorities.

Collaboration with Law Enforcement

We actively cooperate with the law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities to control financial crimes effectively.

Updates to the Anti-Money Laundering

It is important for us to stress that our AML compliance do not infringe upon the privacy of law-abiding users.

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding our Anti-Money Laundering compliance, please contact us at [email protected ]

Last updated: June 23, 2023

Plently is a financial technology company, not a bank. With our cutting-edge features, we are redefining the way you manage your money